The Art of Metal Covers Volume 2
Format: 11.5cm x 16cm
Seitenanzahl: 370 Seiten
Voraussichtliche Lieferung:15. Mar 2025 - 19. Mar 2025
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For all heavy metal fans who can't get enough: Your daily desk calendar with another 365 finest vinyl record covers for your daily metal music rotation.
- Continuation of Metal Covers Volume 1: “The Art of Metal Covers Vol. 02” presents 365 new legendary vinyl metal covers.
- Must-have for metal fans: A perpetual vinyl calendar for heavy metal, death metal, doom metal and more.
- Collectible: For music and fantasy art lovers alike.
- Experience metal history: diversity and creativity in heavy metal, black metal, power metal, stoner rock and much more.
- With the SPOTIFY codes on every cover you can play your favorite albums anywhere and instantly.
The new perpetual calendar presents a further 365 legendary metal covers from over 40 years in Volume 2 and is therefore a unique “must-have” for every fan of heavy metal, death metal, doom metal, speed metal, black metal, hard Rock, progressive metal, power metal, hardcore, glam metal, stoner rock, modern metal. And of course for fans of illustrative fantasy art. A special kind of auditory and visual feast.
And the hit: with the printed SPOTIFY codes, every album can be played anywhere and immediately.
Herausgeber: Oliver Seltmann
Autor: Oliver Seltmann, Bernd Jonkmanns
Fotografie: Bernd Jonkmanns
Gestaltung: Stefan Küstner, Sandro Heindel
Verarbeitung: Perpetual 365 day desk calendar with sturdy cardboard standee
Seiten: 370
Maße: 11.5cm x 16cm
ISBN: 978-3-949070-24-2
Erscheinungsdatum: July 1, 2022
Wir liefern innerhalb Deutschlands ab 15 € versandkostenfrei!
- Deutschland: 3,50 € (unter 15 €)
- Österreich, Belgien, Niederlande, Luxemburg und Dänemark: 5,00 €
- Europa, Schweiz, USA, Kanada: 7,50 €
- Weltweiter Versand: 15,00 €
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Klicken Sie auf die Suchleiste in Ihrer Spotify-App. Tippen Sie dann auf das Kamerasymbol oben rechts. Scannen Sie den gedruckten Spotify-Code auf dem Kalenderblatt. Musik genießen!