Hans Rusinek

Das Buch der absurden Anführungszeichen

The book for the Instagram hit @awkward_anfuehrungszeichen
Hardcover, linen bound
Format: 12cm x 17cm
Seitenanzahl: 192 Seiten
Regular price 18,50 €
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“The best book.”

“We are happy that Hans is making the world a little bit funnier with his fine eye.” – Süddeutsche Zeitung / Now

With the viral Instagram account “Awkward Quotation Marks”, Hans Rusinek inspired those users who expect more from the platform than selfies, pouting and constant advertising... It's about the diversity of language , not about words, but about quotation marks and what absurdity, wickedness and sometimes rebellion they bring to reality when they insert themselves between the sender and receiver. Hans Rusinek's passion for collecting took him across the country and beyond. Everywhere he discovered other virtuosities based on the goose feet. The collection now includes over 1000 pieces, many unpublished, which are always accompanied by a thought-provoking picture commentary.

The collection has been recognized by, among others, Spiegel (bento), Süddeutsche (jetzt.de), EgoFM and the Golden Bloggers and has over 95,000 followers, including Charlotte Roche, Christian Kracht and Kevin Kühnert. In the illustrated book, the most fascinating works are curated together with an introductory text on the genesis of the quotation marks.

About the author:
Hans Rusinek is a journalist, organizational researcher and consultant. He researches the question of meaning in work in St. Gallen and publishes in media such as Capital, BrandEins, Deutschlandfunk and BusinessPunk. In 2020 he won the Ludwig Erhard Foundation's sponsorship award for business journalism. Rusinek volunteers as a fellow in the ThinkTank30 of the Club of Rome Germany.

<tc>Das Buch der absurden Anführungszeichen</tc>

Das Buch der absurden Anführungszeichen

Regular price 18,50 €
Selling price 18,50 € Regular price
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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

Kann man sich nicht ausdenken, für alle Freunde der absurden Anführungszeichen der ultimative Schenkelklopfer

Jannis H.
Sehr witzig!

Geniales Geschenk für jeden Deutschlehrer

Sarah S.

Was soll man sagen? Super Geschenkidee!!!


Das Buch war ein Geschenk. Mein Schwiegersohn war begeistert

Sehr „nett“…

Etwas teuer für 1x „Lesen“…